Interesting piece of information that I bumped in to yesterday while running Broken Links report on a huge database and sitecore instance that has many versions on CM side of things in many different languages. When I run the broken link report, there were huge number of items listed on the report and I randomly picked bunch of those to check more deeply. Most of them were outdated and old versions.
I immediately thought there should be a way to force Sitecore not to consider old versions when running broken links report. Unfortunately, there is no way to do so currently. When I dig deeper in code of kernel, I did see the default is to consider all versions.
I got a feature request logged with sitecore if you like to track it, here is the reference number – 178492
If you really need this feature, then, the only other way is to build your own Speak View and scanner that could be custom function to grab only the latest version of each item in each language to keep the list to what you really care about. 🙂