Sitecore Session Data Mystery


Hello! Every now and then, a JIRA ticket comes in form of learning angel. This bug was exactly that, it needed detective work, history exploration, research and that very special aha moment. I have love hate relationship with such pesky bugs. If I am successful, I get the bragging rights and if I am not I am signing up for sleepless nights. Luckily, this case was a successful one. 🙂

Here it goes. It started with the client email suggesting they are seeing drop in specific values of form submission data starting end of last year.

First step: Replication -> Nope, could not replicate this loss of data on dev, QA or UAT.

Second step: Data Analysis -> Asked client to provide the data from end of last year to now to see if I can find a pattern. Bingo – Yes, all the data complained about missing belonged to session. Okay, some direction.

Third step: Questions/All sort of them -> Why are session values missing? Actually, when does session values go missing. Answers below :

  1. Session was never stored properly to begin with, so, when tried to access no values were present.
  2. Session was stored properly, but, when tried to access it was empty. This usually happens when session is expired.

Fourth step: Debug -> Add tons of logs and see what is going on with every step. Session was always loaded fine when business requirement was met, so, ignore reason #1 noted above. When debugging, most of the time, session access was also good. But, weirdly it is missing in some cases. Bingo -> Replication is now successful. Only took me to do at least 15 trials before I hit the gold.

Fifth step: Look deeply on those scenarios of replication. Looked enough, spent almost half day, had some food to think better. But, nope, I am unable to see a reason. Failed!

Sixth step: Logs are your best friend! Took a deep dive on logs, checked all errors and warnings. Seemed harmless. Oh wait, what is this? A 404 on VisitorIdentificationCSS.aspx? oh wait, there is one more 404 on VIChecker.aspx. Could this do something to session? I found some stack overflow post (unable to find the link now) that suggests session does expire when visitor identification fails under 1 minute because Sitecore will think the end user is a bot based on default configuration here.

Seventh Step: Celebrate, but, with caution. First thing first, I ensured 404 is taken care of, it was due to a global IIS rewrite rule that was removing aspx extension on every incoming request. Poor visitor identification! This also sounds alarms as to why Sitecore still uses aspx stuff? we should truly make Sitecore internal stuff MVC style by default. Seems pretty outdated at the moment. Anyway, once 404’s are fixed and requests for visitor identification were happy. I was confident that my theory is correct, but, I have to prove it before hand off to QA. I tried 20 attempts, each min accounted for one trial. On those 20 trials, I did not see even one missing Session value. Hence proved!

I was sooo happy that I wanted to open a wine bottle, but, it was not dinner time just yet, so, adjusted with ice cold nitro brew from Starbucks. Enjoyed some bragging rights by sharing the hypothesis with clients, internal arch team and who ever pinged me that day or hopped on a call had to hear partial story lol, poor them. Work from home downside to not be able to share with some one in real. I miss people. 🙁